Civil War

The harbor batteries

April 1, 1861; The Charleston Mercury

Saturday last was an occasion that will long be remembered by our troops at the various posts in the harbor, as well as by the large number of distinguished gentlemen whose visit to the fortifications formed the chief incident of the day. Shortly after nine o’clock the members of the State Convention, and a few others who had been invited to accompany them, repaired to the Southern Wharf, where the commodious steamers Carolina, Capt. LOCKWOOD, and General Clinch, Capt. RELYEA, were in readiness to receive them. At ten o’clock the lines were cast off and the boats, with the State and Confederate colors streaming fore and aft, moved from the wharf to the inspiriting strains of ‘DixieLand,’ from the Palmetto Band, stationed on the forward deck of the Clinch. The weather, fortunately, was most propitious. The genial sun shone out gloriously over the harbor, and the mild spring atmosphere, with the fresh sea-breeze, could scarcely have been more agreeable.


The company who, by the invitation of Gen. BEAUREGARD, participated in the excursion, must have numbered several hundred. Among them we noticed Hon. D.F. JAMISON, and nearly all the members of the Convention, including quite a number of Ex-Governors, Judges, Chancellors and military men. It was more especially in honor of these gentlemen that the visit had been arranged. Among the other guests were Hon. EDMUND RUFFIN and Col. RUTHERFORD, both of Virginia; Major General SCHNIERLE, 2d Division, S.C.M.; Major WHITING, of the Engineer Corps, C.S.A.; Rev. Dr. BACHMAN, and several ladies, who had availed themselves of the chance to get a glimpse of the batteries, of which they had heard so much. Gen. BEAUREGARD, in undress uniform, was aboard the Carolina, chatting socially in the groups that filled the cabins, and pointing out to those to whom the scene was a new one, the principal points of interest.


The steamers first ran over close to the James’ Island shore, to give the company a view of the village and earthworks at Fort Johnson. As the three gun and mortar batteries erected at this point were the first of the works visited, they were of course viewed with the greater curiosity, and spyglasses of every variety, from the long and weather-beaten marine glass to the delicate lorgnettes of the ladies, were brought into requisition to get a better look at the grim embrasures of the gun battery and the immense mound which protects the mortars. Some of the fair visitors were a little disconsolate when informed that their view of Fort Johnson was to be limited to the exterior. To make amends, as far as is in our power for this deprivation, we present a drawing, carefully prepared several days since by a military friend, giving a view of THE INTERIOR OF FORT JOHNSON.

After running a short distance along the shore the boats were round and steered across the harbor towards Moutrieville wharf, on Sullivan’s Island.


On reaching the wharf, we encountered the picquet guard of the First Rifle Regiment, under the command of Lieut. HEYWARD. Passing the sentries, the party proceeded through Moultrieville to the great point of attraction on Sullivan’s Island–the famous old precincts of Fort Moultrie. Here everything was in capital order. As the Secretary of War and Gen. BEAUREGARD passed through the gateway, the band struck up and a company of regular State troops, who were drawn up at the entrance, gave the usual military salute, while the big guns on the parapet thundered forth a welcome to the Convention. Once within the enclosure, the party dispersed over the fort, and betook themselves to examining the elaborate and massive defences which, under the superintendence of the energetic and indefatigable commandant, Lieut. Col. RIPLEY, have been added to the walls. The stalwart gunners (who belong to the regular army of the State, and who are as fine a body of soldiers as it is possible to find) were all at their respective batteries, and went through the manual of heavy artillery with remarkable precision. The quarters, the magazine, the bombproofs, and the furnace, at which several 8 inch shot were brought to a bright red heat, eminently suggestive of unpleasant results, all came in for a share of attention; and it was with no little lingering that the warning that the boats were about to leave, was finally heeded. We quitted the fort agreeably impressed with the high state of discipline and efficiency to which the gallant RIPLEY has brought the garrison. It will be remembered that in the earliest stage of the Southern movement, Col. RIPLEY was one of the first to join his fortunes with those of our State.


Once more aboard the staunch boats, we steamed away down the Maffit Channel to the music of the Marsellaise. As we came opposite to Fort Moultrie, the flash and white cloud from the embrasure, followed by the loud report, told us that the firing of the heavy guns, by way of salute, had recommenced. The cannonading was continued for several minutes. It was a grand sight to see the white smoke enshrouding the old fort, to hear the heavy booming of the guns in quick succession, and to know that there were men behind those sandbags who would never dishonor the Palmetto flag overhead. When opposite the five gun battery, garrisoned for the last six weeks by the Vigilant Rifles, or rather the Vigilant Artillery (for they are good at either service), Capt. TUPPER saluted with his battery. The firing was conducted with great regularity. The detachment of the Charleston Light Dragoons, on outpost duty, were also under arms, and formed in line on the beach; they, too, fired a feu de joie from their revolvers. The steamers then returned through the channel. When off the Moultrie House, the company had a fine view of the 1st Regiment Rifles, Lieutenant Colonel BRANCH commanding. The regiment was in line, open order, with colors flying, and saluted when the steamers passed.


Crossing the harbor, the steamers steered out the main Ship Channel, running along the Morris Island beach to a point nearly opposite the Lighthouse headlands. The scene upon the Island was indeed a beautiful one. The long low range of sandhills was covered with sentries, and squads of troops engaged in the drill. At short intervals the various posts were indicated by the flags streaming over them. Some of these banners were of extemporaneous patterns, but all, of whatever size or hue, bore the honored device of the Palmetto. Here and there along the crest of the hills we could detect with a glass the black muzzles of the cannon peeping threateningly out, while the background was dotted with the white tents and rude quarters of the troops. After giving time for a survey of this picturesque scenery, we put back towards Cumming’s Point.


Meantime a very sumptuous and plentiful collation had been served up in the lower cabins of the steamers. The keen breeze and the tramp over Sullivan’s Island had served to give a zest to the appetite of the party and the rapidity with which the edibles (and drinkables, too) disappeared, was only equalled by the agility with which the corps of sable caterers marshalled up fresh supplies. The members of the Convention seemed to be having an amazingly good time, affording, when contrasted with their demeanor on the day before, a wonderful instance of the transformation grave to gay. The repast was partaken of sans ceremonies, and the celerity with which the champagne corks popped one after another from the bottles, was a fair premonition, on a small scale, of the fire of shells from the heavy mortars, soon to begin. When it became known that we had touched at our destination, Cumming’s Point, curiosity did not suffer many to linger at the table, and we hurried to the beach. The first rush of the sightseers was towards


This unique work, a section of which is given in our cut, was built under the direction of Major P. F. STEVENS, Superintendent of the Citadel Academy, and attracts attention, chiefly owing to its simple but massive construction. It consists of a heavy frame work of yellow pine logs. The roof is of the same material, over which dovetailed bars of railroad iron of the T pattern are laid from top to bottom; all of which is riveted down in the most secure manner. On the front it presents an angle of about thirty degrees. There are three port holes, which open and close with iron shutters of the heaviest description. When open, the muzzles of the Columbiads fill up the space completely. The recoil of the gun enables the shutters to be closed instantly. It is asserted, on high military authority, that this inclined plane will effectually resist guns of the heaviest calibre–first, because no direct shot can strike it except at an angle, which would cause the ball to glance; second, because its power of resistance is sufficient to withstand the fall of the heaviest shells. The Columbiad guns, with which this novel battery is equipped, bear on the south wall of Sumter, the line of fire being at an angle of about thirty-five degrees. This is not, of course, considered favorable for breaching, but owing to the fact that the wall is loopholed for musketry throughout its entire length, which of course, weakens it a great deal, the effect of shot upon it would, we think, even at the distance of 1150 yards, effect a breach within a reasonable time.


Passing on to the other batteries, we could not but marvel at the engineering skill displayed in the construction of these formidable works. We have not room here to give a minute account of each battery. Indeed, this would be superfluous, for, with the exception of the Iron Battery, they all seemed to be built after the same fashion. All were walled in by the same impenetrable defence of thousands of sandbags, all were in the same apple pie order, and all were guarded with the same ceaseless vigilance. We were soon roused from our admiration of these triumphs of military engineering by the report of one of the ten inch mortars, which showed that the day’s practice at the batteries had begun.

THE FIRING was kept up with spirit. One after another the mortars and heavy guns sent their shot and shell flying over the waters of the harbor. To a large majority of the spectators the flight and bursting of shell was something novel, and the scene was altogether grand and impressive. The whole hue of the beach for miles was clouded in white smoke, and the continuous flashing and reports of the guns heightened the warlike aspect of things. Among those who fired the mortars was ex-Senator CHESNUT, and we heard one of the officers say that his shot was quite a creditable one. For the benefit of those of our readers who have never seen such a work, we give a cut of A MORTAR BATTERY.


After this splendid exhibition of gunnery, the visitors continued their walk a few hundred yards to witness the review of the First Regiment of Volunteers, Col. MAXCY GREGG, commander. They were drawn up on the beach in two ranks, and as soon as General JAMISON and General BEAUREGARD took their position opposite the centre, Col. GREGG ordered the regiment to prepare for review; the ranks were opened and aligned; officers stepped to the front; the band beat off; and the scene reminded us of a similar occasion previous to the departure of the Palmetto regiment for Mexico. Nearly 1000 men were under arms. After the review, the officers in one rank marched to the front and centre, and were addressed by Hon. D. F. JAMISON, who presented the thanks of the State to the several commands, and spoke in high terms of praise of the public spirit which had brought them from their homes and firesides, in the interior, to the rough life of the soldier on the sea shore. The regiment was then dismissed. Several of the companies delighted the numerous spectators with a variety of evolutions, the most noticeable of which was the drill, as skirmishers, (by the bugle), of the Richland Volunteer Rifle Company, of Columbia. They deployed on the centre file to the right and left; rallied by fours to resist cavalry, in admirable order, and at the double quick step. Several other companies marched and counter marched by files, by platoons and by companies, and gave ample evidence of the efficacy of their training.


By this time the sun was fast sinking, and the party hurried back from their rambles, and bidding goodbye to the gallant men at the trenches, embarked for the city. On our way we passed close under the walls of Fort Sumter, upon which nearly all of Major ANDERSON’S garrison must have been collected. In a short time we had reached the Southern wharf, and at six o’clock we stepped ashore, while the band played away at ‘Dixie’ quite as vigorously as if they had never stopped since we started in the morning.

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