Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington Saturday Jan’y 31st 1863

The month of Jan’y has passed away and in looking back I find matters connected with the War in much the same condition they were in a month ago. It seems no nearer a close, but on the whole I think matters look more bright for us generaly. The Rebels through their papers repudiate all ideas of our Peace men at the North as to a “re-construction of the Union.” Nothing Short of entire Independence on their part will bring peace. Well, it seems [to] be a question of endurance, and we will see who can stand it the longest. We are expecting successes now and nothing else, two or three victories would do wonders for us during the next month, as many defeats would ruin us. I think we are pretty well prepared for the former. An immense force must now be near Vicksburgh and we are expecting to hear of a terrible fight there soon. Genl Grant is in command. I have been in the office as usual today. After dinner I called upon Vanmaster and staid an hour and then attended a meeting at Mr Sweatlands rooms convened to make arrangements for a Musical Concert to come off next week for the benefit of the NY Soldiers. P H Ostrander is the active man in the affair. Nothing of importance in the way of news. Congress is squabling over the Negro Regiment Bill. Gold 1.58 today. It is speculation, a sort of [“Morus Multicaulus”?] fever that is raging. Genl Benj F Butler is at the “National.” Many other celebrities are are [sic] in town. Called at Charleys rooms. “Sallie” is quite ill. The baby Jessie sucks her thumb and grows fat.

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