The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events.

October 29.–Col. Burbridge, with two hundred and fifty men, and two pieces of artillery, having marched from Owensbero, in Kentucky, to Morgantown, within eighteen miles of Bowling Green, crossed the river at Morgantown in presence of a body of rebels formed upon the bank, drove the rebels into the town of Woodbury, attacked them to the number of four hundred in their camp, routed them, and took possession of the camp, with equipage for five hundred men, and all their camp utensils; but as he had no means of transportation, the entire camp was burned.–(Doc. 113.)

–At a public meeting held at Woolwich, England, Mr. Salomon, M. P., said: “The civil war now raging in America is full of importance to this country, and ought to be condemned. The North is now attempting to dominate over the South. (Cries of ‘No, no.’) We have a right to criticize the dreadful state of affairs now prevailing in America, although it would be dangerous to do so on the other side of the Atlantic. It is a most diabolical quarrel, of which we hear more from the North than the South, because the South knows how to keep its own counsel. Whatever is the result of this conflict, America will suffer from it; and if the North is able to subjugate the South, it will change the government of the country, which will then become a despotism similar to Russia. At the outset of the contest the North did not endeavor by every means to come to a peaceable settlement. (Expressions of dissent.) Why, Mr. Buchanan remained in office for three months, and did nothing to promote such an object, but rather to stir up the strife; and now he comes forward and sounds his penny whistle to induce a vigorous prosecution of the war. It is, however, the true policy of this country not to interfere in the strife, although we all wish to see it ended, and the Americans again resume their position as a purely peaceable and commercial people.”–London Post, Oct. 30.

–Letters of this date from New Orleans, represent that city as completely ruined by the rebellion.–N. Y. Times, November 11.

–The Richmond Examiner of this date says: By this time our able representatives abroad, Messrs. Mason and Slidell, are pretty well on their way over the briny deep toward the shores of Europe. We commit no indiscretion in stating that they have embarked upon a vessel which will be abundantly able to protect them against most of the Yankee cruisers they may happen to meet, and the chances are consequently a hundred to one that they will reach their destination in safety. The malice of our Yankee enemies will thus be foiled, and the attempt to capture them fail of success. Great will be the mortification of the Yankees when they shall have learned this result. Our ministers did not choose to leave at any other port than one of our own, or under any but the Confederate flag.

We anticipate from Mr. Mason’s presence in England a very happy effect upon our interests in that quarter. Mr. Mason is, in his points of character, a very good representative of the best qualities of the English people. He is frank, bold, and straightforward, disdaining all concealments or evasions. His diplomacy will consist in telling the truth in the language of a gentleman and a statesman. As the representative of a name linked with the earlier ages of the American Republic, an ex-Senator of the United States for many years, and the honored servant of the Confederate Government, he will wield an influence abroad such as perhaps no other man could hope to enjoy. He is the very best man we could send abroad to show foreign nations that the Southerner is a different type altogether from the Yankee–that he scorns like the latter to lie, to evade or dissemble, to fawn, or play the bully and the braggart; that the despicable traits of avarice, meanness, cant, and vulgarity which enter into the universal idea of a Yankee, were left behind us when we seceded from the Lincoln Government. We are glad to be able to contrast such a gentleman with Charles Francis Adams, the Puritan representative of freedom at the Court of St. James, and he knows little of British character who is disposed to set a slight value upon the advantages derived from the personal character of a representative in this matter. We believe that at no distant day Mr. Mason will have the pleasure of signing a treaty of amity, on behalf of the Confederate States, with one of the oldest and greatest dynasties of Europe, and thus cement these relations of commerce upon which our future so largely depends.

–Yesterday forty-five “contrabands” were brought into Fortress Monroe. They came oat of the Rappahannock in boats, which were picked up by the tug Rescue. Their story was, that they escaped in order to avoid being sent to Richmond to be sold South. Today forty more contrabands were brought in, who had escaped from Gloucester, opposite Yorktown, where, according to their reports, great destitution exists.–National Intelligencer, November 6.

–Capt. Hunter of the Confederate steamer Curlew reports that on this day, when near the inner buoy at Hatteras Inlet, he was fired upon by two or three Union steamers and the fort; that he “sighted a rifled gun at the Harriet Lane” and fired, and that the fort and steamers continued to fire at him as rapidly as possible. We fired, he says, six shells and the stern gun at them five times. It is uncertain whether the enemy sustained any injury. The Vandals fired twenty-three shells at us, only one of which came near.

“Feeling that I had carried out the spirit of my instructions I withdrew and waited within half a mile of the buoy, hoping to draw the steamer outside. When we fired the stern gun, the fort returned the shot. We stood back, fired another shell and took our departure. All hands displayed great enthusiasm, and seemed delighted, when one steamer began moving toward us.”–Richmond Examiner, November 4.

–Get. Rosecrans makes some interesting statements regarding the condition of the troops under his command, in a letter addressed to Governor Dennison, of Ohio, under this date. The soldiers in his department have been poorly clothed, because they were nearly all of them despatched hastily in answer to pressing calls, and since entering upon their duties they have changed their positions so frequently that supplies have not reached them regularly. Now, however, they are in very good condition. Gen. Rosecrans contradicts the statement that his force have suffered greatly from sickness. The number in hospital have averaged only four per cent. He recommends that supplies of clothing and other necessaries should be accumulated at some depot, so as to be made available when the troops shall go into winter-quarters.

–”Gentlemen from several counties” in Kentucky, assembled in Russellville, in that State, to confer “together in reference to the situation of the country, and the steps to be taken to better preserve domestic tranquillity.” Nearly all the prominent rebels of the State were present. Resolutions were passed which “bid defiance both to the Federal and State Governments,” and recommend the people to organize and arm, and resist every authority but that of the Confederate States.–(Doc. 118.)

–Two advertisements in reference to confiscation were published in the Washington papers. One, at the instance of the President of the United States, commands the Marshal to attach certain real and personal property of William Shields, and to give notice to all persons having any thing to say why the same should not be condemned to the use of the United States, to appear before the District Attorney on the 28th of November next.

The second advertisement, published by order of the court, is in accordance with the first, and sets forth that Wm. Shields, formerly of Washington, some months ago removed, with his family, to Richmond, where he has been residing ever since, and where he has been and is now engaged in the insurrection and resistance to the laws of the United States of America, now existing in said States, and in secret correspondence with the enemies of said United States residing in the city of Washington and elsewhere, transmitting to them money and other valuables, and receiving the same from them in return, which has been applied in part to aid and abet and promote the said insurrection and resistance to the laws.

–The great Southern Expedition sailed from Fortress Monroe, the Wabash leading, and the Cahawba bringing up the rear. The line of vessels, comprising nearly fifty, made a magnificent appearance.–N. Y. Tribune, October 31.

–A Great Union demonstration was made by a concourse of the citizens of Baltimore, Maryland, at the Front street theatre. The principal feature of the occasion was an address by Francis Thomas, formerly governor of Maryland.–(Doc. 115.)

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