My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: “‘Battle expected to-morrow’ has been a heading in the papers for the last fortnight.”


Next day (19th) the rain fell incessantly. The mail was brought in by a little negro boy on horseback, and I was warned by my letters that an immediate advance of McClellan’s troops was probable. This is an old story. “Battle expected to-morrow” has been a heading in the papers for the last fortnight. In [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: The Maryland Club.—A Prayer and Past Day.—Financial Difficulties.—”We can… bear delays. The rebels will be ruined by it.”


I remained in Baltimore a few days, and had an opportunity of knowing the feelings of some of the leading men in the place. It may be described in one word–intense hatred of New England and black republicans, which has been increased to mania by the stringent measures of the military dictator of the American [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: Intense Heat.—Military adventurers from all parts of the world.


August 4th.–I had no idea that the sun could be powerful in Washington; even in India the heat is not much more oppressive than it was here to-day. There is this extenuating circumstance, however, that after some hours of such very high temperature, thunder-storms and tornadoes cool the air. I received a message from General [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: General Patterson.—Confederate window of opportunity closed.


July 25th.–The unfortunate General Patterson, who could not keep Johnston from getting away from Winchester, is to be dismissed the service–honourably, of course–that is, he is to be punished because his men would insist on going home in face of the enemy, as soon as their three months were up, and that time happened to [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: Want of order and authority.—Newspaper lies.—Alarm at Washington.—Confederate prisoners.—General M’Clellan.—M. Mercier.—Effects of the defeat on Mr. Seward and the President.


July 23rd.–The morning was far advanced when I awoke, and hearing the roll of waggons in the street, I at first imagined the Federals were actually about to abandon Washington itself; but on going to the window, I perceived it arose from an irregular train of commissariat carts, country waggons, ambulances, and sutlers’ vans, in [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary.—Difficulties of a Newspaper Correspondent in the Field.—To the scene of action.—The Confederate camp.—Centreville.—Action at Bull Run.—Defeat of the Federals.— Disorderly retreat to Centreville.—My ride back to Washington.


July 21st.–The calmness and silence of the streets of Washington this lovely morning suggested thoughts of the very different scenes which, in all probability, were taking place at a few miles’ distance. One could fancy the hum and stir round the Federal bivouacs, as the troops woke up and were formed into column of march [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell

William Howard Russell’s Diary: General Scott’s quarters.—General Mansfield.—Bull’s Run.


July 19th.–I rose early this morning in order to prepare for contingencies and to see off Captain Johnson, who was about to start with despatches for New York, containing, no doubt, the intelligence that the Federal troops had advanced against the enemy. Yesterday was so hot that officers and men on the field suffered from [...]

My Diary North and South – William Howard Russell