Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball

Oct 2        Lewis had a flare up with the Cap of his new position, North Edisto, and like a foolish boy gave up his Commission. This distressed Mr Grimball very much and he persuaded himself that if Lewis had time to reconsider this step he would repent. So he got the Department to allow it [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

“… many of the flourishing tales we heard of prowes on the battle field were made up for home.”

Meta Morris Grimball

1 September        Lewis arrived from Virginia and went up that night to see about his Commission. He returned yesterday, having been obliged to wait several days to see the Governor. He had companions, for there were many there waiting for the same purpose. He returned having received his Commission he is to apply to the [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Dreadful battle at Bull Run

Meta Morris Grimball

July 26th        Papa left us for Buncombe on the 24, he went off in a furious annoyance at not being called for before half past eight so he quarreled with the hack man, I am glad he has gone, for his rigid ways became disagreeable. We did as well as we could for him, & [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball

July 11        Mr Grimball and Papa went into the Country to day , it has been very warm. Lewis writes from Fairfax C. H. on the eve of battle for an over coat for a grey flannel Jacket for woolen socks and crackers & cheese, and says it is quite cold where he is at [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

The St. Paul’s Rifles have been ordered to the Coast

Meta Morris Grimball

June 29        Lewis writes very pleasantly about his campaign in Virginia, I rather think he likes the excitement. His Company have moved forward and form the advance guard of the Southern Army, and this he likes, he would prefer remaining in Virginia to keeping his Commission of Lieutenant.        The St. Paul’s Rifles have been ordered [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

The news from Virginia is rather warlike

Meta Morris Grimball

10 [June]        We got on as usual, the weather is very warm. The war progresses slowly and not always satisfactorily.—Elizabeth had Miss Aiken, the Manigaults to tea, Mrs Vanderhorst & Mrs Wayne.—Mrs V. has given several parties the last very handsome. Miss Adele is the attraction, Mr Arnold the beau, William thinks it promises very [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball

9th [June]        Papa went to Somerville to visit Russel Middleton, he returned quite charmed with the place and the good living.—Gov. and Martin dined here last week. Adela is going to have another baby, this will be the 5th it is really terrible.—        Papa is very naive, he told me he was better here than [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

John… is now a Midshipman again.

Meta Morris Grimball

25 [April]        Mr Grimball returned and brought up John, who is now a Midshipman again, with the prospect of being made Master, like the rest of his date, as he resigned when his State did, 2 weeks before his examination, had excellent letters from the Officers who were on board the Macedonian with him 1 [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

…news that Fort Sumpter is given up

Meta Morris Grimball

14th [April]        Lewis went down yesterday afternoon and returned today by an express train, he brings us news that Fort Sumpter is given up, after a gallant defence, when Major Anderson evacuated it, he requested to be allowed to salute his Flag, and Gen. Boregard said, that he had defended his command so bravely that [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball