A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 9TH.–Orders this morning to draw two days’ rations, pack up and be ready to move at a moment’s warning. We drew hard-tack, coffee, bacon, salt and sugar, and stored them in our haversacks. Some take great care so to pack the hard-tack that it will not dig [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 8TH–We were ready to continue our march, but were not ordered out. Some white citizens came into camp to see the “Yankees,” as they call us. Of course they do not know the meaning of the term, but apply it to all Union soldiers. They will think [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 7TH.–Our company detailed and reported this morning at headquarters for picket duty, but not being needed, returned to camp. Were somewhat disappointed, for we preferred a day on picket by way of change. Pickets are the eyes of the army and the terror of those who live [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 6TH.–This day has been a hot one, but as our duties have not been of an arduous nature we have sought the shade and kept quiet. While in camp, the boys very freely comment upon our destination, and give every detail of progress a general overhauling. The [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 5TH.—We were annoyed some little through the night, by the rebels firing, but they didn’t hit anybody. Two regiments of infantry with some cavalry crossed the river for a little scout. I do not think there are many rebels over there, but what few there are, ought [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 4TH.–Early this morning the rebels planted a battery in the woods on the opposite side of the river, and sent shot and shell crashing into our camp. DeGolier’s battery was soon in position, and silenced them before any damage was done. I hope DeGolier and his battery [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



From the diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 2ND.–As the sun peeped over the eastern horizon, we slipped out of camp and went our way rejoicing. Oh, how beautiful the morning; calm and pleasant, with the great variety of birds warbling, as though all was peace and quiet. When camping in the darkness of night, [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg



By Osborn H. Oldroyd MAY 1ST, 1863.– Logan’s Division, to which we belonged, embarked on transports, that had passed the batteries at Vicksburg and Grand Gulf, last night, about two miles below the latter place, where we had marched down the Louisiana levee to meet the boats. Crossing the Mississippi river, we landed at Bruinsburg, [...]

A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg